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Oops! I Married A CEO By Mistake Chapter 5

5- He is not Henry.

She entered the elevators of the splendid building of Levisay international. The first fifteen floors were used for hotel purposes and then the sixteenth to twentieth floor served as office space.

As soon as the elevator doors opened on the twentieth floor, a lady was waiting for her outside with a pleasant smile.

“Abigail Mason?” She moved towards Abigail for a handshake as soon as Abigail nodded. She just could not wait to share the news with Molly.

Throughout the night she kept dreaming about her accommodation, or the food she could put on her table, the clothes she could shop and wear.

That same pencil skirt had become trash. The suit she was wearing today was arranged by Henry. He insisted her to wear it for today and she could pay him later after getting the job.

The aloof man who did not seem to know how to smile or laugh or even carry conversation proved to be so considerate.

“Here. This way.” The woman’s voice sliced through her thoughts and she opened a door that had a nameplate of Ethan Hanks (Vice President).

She entered the office and was impressed by the Ocean Blue décor. A man was sitting behind his desk who immediately stood when he found her entering the office.

“Abigail Mason? I am Ethan Hanks. Nice meeting you.” Abigail was surprised to find a young man with a charming personality.

She was expecting someone older with one or two specs of grey hair at least on his temples. He seemed to be in his mid-twenties.

“Hello, Ethan.” Abigail gave her best smile while returning his handshake. Though she did find it a little odd that the Vice President left his seat just to greet her.

“So Abigail. After going through your CV we kind of … could not bring ourselves to hire you for the former position. But I assure you. For this position, you will enjoy working with us. We need someone who is competitive and can handle our upcoming coffee shops where we will employ female managers and waitresses.

In short all-female staff. This is going to be our baby and we need everything best for it.”

Abigail’s heart was drumming excitedly. She could not wait to start working.

He pushed a file towards her, “Here is the contract. Go through all the rules, Ms. Mason. Everything is written there in black and white. But let me tell you one thing. The last condition states that if you plan to leave us before two years duration then you will pay us two billion dollars or you could be sent to jail.”

Abigail’s heart skipped a beat. Ethan Hanks continued, “We are putting so much effort to facilitate our staff that we can’t think of all our finances and energy going to waste. So we will be needing some kind of guarantee or assurance.”

Opening the file when she did not pass any remark, she heard him again, “For your comfort, you can talk to any lawyer you want. But we are quite popular in the market and would never go against our word. Our employee’s self-respect does matter to us.”

Abigail did not need to talk to anyone. She had heard a lot about them from their customers and their employees as well.

A few months back she was interested to work for them because of the handsome salaries they offer their workers but Kyle was against the idea and she could not get the chance.

After the job, she would be financially stable. More stable than Kyle and Chloe combined. She could afford to file a case against them to get back her apartment and her workspace.

They never allowed her to take her stuff from the apartment or her furniture pieces from the private workshop.

She had got a handsome hunk beside her. Now she wanted to test the depth of waters.

“I am in, Mr. Hanks.” She had made the decision but why did she feel as if Ethan Hanks let out a sigh of relief?

Oh! She must be imagining it.

Without a second thought, she signed the contract. Ethan took back the file and stood from his seat, rounding his desk he came towards her and again offered his hand for the handshake, “Congratulations Ms. Mason. Welcome on board.”

“I hope Mr. Hanks that I prove myself worthy of your judgment.”

“Please call me Ethan.”

“In that case.” Her face had started glowing suddenly, “call me Abigail.”

“Nice meeting you, Abigail.”

“Same here, Ethan.”

Ethan called his assistant Mrs. Amanda and asked her to give Abigail a detailed visit to the office. She was supposed to start her job after the weekend.

The moment she left the office with Amanda, Ethan ran towards his phone and dialed a number, “Hunter. The impossible is done. She has signed the contract. Now don’t forget. You owe me what I asked for.”

There was a pause on the other end then his heavy voice appeared through the speaker, “I know. Don’t worry.” He was about to disconnect the call when Ethan spoke again.

“And oh, Hunter?”

“What is it now?”

“She is beautiful, man.”

There was again quietness on the other end and then Ethan heard a hissing sound which made him laugh, “You better stay away from her, dude.”


When she reached home, she was in high spirits and hugged him tightly, “Oh, Henry. This goes for dinner and a toast. I am taking you tonight. You won’t believe this.”

Hunter had a small smile on his lips. She opened her mouth to say more when her phone started ringing. She saw the caller ID and started grinning, “It’s my friend.”

She stayed in the living room and Hunter headed to the bedroom, giving her some privacy.

“Oh, Molly. Oh Gosh. I am so happy to hear from you. But first, tell me about Angela. How is she?”

“Mom is doing well. It was a minor heart attack. They are discharging her this evening but I will be there by tomorrow. Because you know? Commitments!”

“Yeah. I do understand, Molly.”

“What were you telling me, Abi? Spill it! Please tell me that Kyle and Chloe committed suicide”

“Oh.” Abigail laughed rolling her eyes, “Now come on, Moll.” Then looking around she whispered in her phone, “I got a handsome job at Levisay international. They have hired me as state head for their upcoming project.”

“What? Woah, Abi. It is a dream come true. You always wanted to work with them.” 

“Yes. They are giving me accommodation, a car with a chauffer, handsome salary…”

“I am so happy for you, Abigail.” Abigail could feel that her friend was on the verge of crying. She was also getting emotional while talking to her.

“This is because of you, Molly. You lifted me up and arranged a groom on such short notice. You were right when you said that he is smoking hot. But oh. So bad that he is gay. And …”

“Abi!” She was not able to finish it when she heard Molly’s alarmed voice, “What are you talking about?”

“I am talking about Henry, silly. The one who was supposed to meet me at Sasha’s Diner …”

“OH.MY.GOD! Abi where are you?”

“Why? I … I am … at my apartment, naturally.” Abi tried to laugh it off.

“Honey. Run. Get away from that place right NOW!”

“What do you mean by that? And why do you sound so angry?”

“I am not angry, silly. I am concerned. Henry is my friend’s friend and he had an accident that morning when he was supposed to meet you. I came to know late about it.”

“Molly. How is it possible? It can be a minor accident too and …”

“Don’t be stupid, Abi. He was injured and admitted to the hospital. He is still in a coma.”

Panic was filling her senses now. She was now looking towards her bedroom door in a state of fright, “M… Molly!”

“Honey. Don’t worry. Calm down. Ok? Just get out and run away. He is not Henry. He is someone else.” Molly was still speaking but Abigail was standing there with her body going numb.

The phone fell on the floor.

Henry never reached there. And she married a stranger who was living with her but also enjoying meals made by her.

That son of a b*tch!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!
Oops! I Married A CEO By Mistake Chapter 5

Oops! I Married A CEO By Mistake Chapter 5

5- He is not Henry.

She entered the elevators of the splendid building of Levisay international. The first fifteen floors were used for hotel purposes and then the sixteenth to twentieth floor served as office space.

As soon as the elevator doors opened on the twentieth floor, a lady was waiting for her outside with a pleasant smile.

“Abigail Mason?” She moved towards Abigail for a handshake as soon as Abigail nodded. She just could not wait to share the news with Molly.

Throughout the night she kept dreaming about her accommodation, or the food she could put on her table, the clothes she could shop and wear.

That same pencil skirt had become trash. The suit she was wearing today was arranged by Henry. He insisted her to wear it for today and she could pay him later after getting the job.

The aloof man who did not seem to know how to smile or laugh or even carry conversation proved to be so considerate.

“Here. This way.” The woman’s voice sliced through her thoughts and she opened a door that had a nameplate of Ethan Hanks (Vice President).

She entered the office and was impressed by the Ocean Blue décor. A man was sitting behind his desk who immediately stood when he found her entering the office.

“Abigail Mason? I am Ethan Hanks. Nice meeting you.” Abigail was surprised to find a young man with a charming personality.

She was expecting someone older with one or two specs of grey hair at least on his temples. He seemed to be in his mid-twenties.

“Hello, Ethan.” Abigail gave her best smile while returning his handshake. Though she did find it a little odd that the Vice President left his seat just to greet her.

“So Abigail. After going through your CV we kind of … could not bring ourselves to hire you for the former position. But I assure you. For this position, you will enjoy working with us. We need someone who is competitive and can handle our upcoming coffee shops where we will employ female managers and waitresses.

In short all-female staff. This is going to be our baby and we need everything best for it.”

Abigail’s heart was drumming excitedly. She could not wait to start working.

He pushed a file towards her, “Here is the contract. Go through all the rules, Ms. Mason. Everything is written there in black and white. But let me tell you one thing. The last condition states that if you plan to leave us before two years duration then you will pay us two billion dollars or you could be sent to jail.”

Abigail’s heart skipped a beat. Ethan Hanks continued, “We are putting so much effort to facilitate our staff that we can’t think of all our finances and energy going to waste. So we will be needing some kind of guarantee or assurance.”

Opening the file when she did not pass any remark, she heard him again, “For your comfort, you can talk to any lawyer you want. But we are quite popular in the market and would never go against our word. Our employee’s self-respect does matter to us.”

Abigail did not need to talk to anyone. She had heard a lot about them from their customers and their employees as well.

A few months back she was interested to work for them because of the handsome salaries they offer their workers but Kyle was against the idea and she could not get the chance.

After the job, she would be financially stable. More stable than Kyle and Chloe combined. She could afford to file a case against them to get back her apartment and her workspace.

They never allowed her to take her stuff from the apartment or her furniture pieces from the private workshop.

She had got a handsome hunk beside her. Now she wanted to test the depth of waters.

“I am in, Mr. Hanks.” She had made the decision but why did she feel as if Ethan Hanks let out a sigh of relief?

Oh! She must be imagining it.

Without a second thought, she signed the contract. Ethan took back the file and stood from his seat, rounding his desk he came towards her and again offered his hand for the handshake, “Congratulations Ms. Mason. Welcome on board.”

“I hope Mr. Hanks that I prove myself worthy of your judgment.”

“Please call me Ethan.”

“In that case.” Her face had started glowing suddenly, “call me Abigail.”

“Nice meeting you, Abigail.”

“Same here, Ethan.”

Ethan called his assistant Mrs. Amanda and asked her to give Abigail a detailed visit to the office. She was supposed to start her job after the weekend.

The moment she left the office with Amanda, Ethan ran towards his phone and dialed a number, “Hunter. The impossible is done. She has signed the contract. Now don’t forget. You owe me what I asked for.”

There was a pause on the other end then his heavy voice appeared through the speaker, “I know. Don’t worry.” He was about to disconnect the call when Ethan spoke again.

“And oh, Hunter?”

“What is it now?”

“She is beautiful, man.”

There was again quietness on the other end and then Ethan heard a hissing sound which made him laugh, “You better stay away from her, dude.”


When she reached home, she was in high spirits and hugged him tightly, “Oh, Henry. This goes for dinner and a toast. I am taking you tonight. You won’t believe this.”

Hunter had a small smile on his lips. She opened her mouth to say more when her phone started ringing. She saw the caller ID and started grinning, “It’s my friend.”

She stayed in the living room and Hunter headed to the bedroom, giving her some privacy.

“Oh, Molly. Oh Gosh. I am so happy to hear from you. But first, tell me about Angela. How is she?”

“Mom is doing well. It was a minor heart attack. They are discharging her this evening but I will be there by tomorrow. Because you know? Commitments!”

“Yeah. I do understand, Molly.”

“What were you telling me, Abi? Spill it! Please tell me that Kyle and Chloe committed suicide”

“Oh.” Abigail laughed rolling her eyes, “Now come on, Moll.” Then looking around she whispered in her phone, “I got a handsome job at Levisay international. They have hired me as state head for their upcoming project.”

“What? Woah, Abi. It is a dream come true. You always wanted to work with them.” 

“Yes. They are giving me accommodation, a car with a chauffer, handsome salary…”

“I am so happy for you, Abigail.” Abigail could feel that her friend was on the verge of crying. She was also getting emotional while talking to her.

“This is because of you, Molly. You lifted me up and arranged a groom on such short notice. You were right when you said that he is smoking hot. But oh. So bad that he is gay. And …”

“Abi!” She was not able to finish it when she heard Molly’s alarmed voice, “What are you talking about?”

“I am talking about Henry, silly. The one who was supposed to meet me at Sasha’s Diner …”

“OH.MY.GOD! Abi where are you?”

“Why? I … I am … at my apartment, naturally.” Abi tried to laugh it off.

“Honey. Run. Get away from that place right NOW!”

“What do you mean by that? And why do you sound so angry?”

“I am not angry, silly. I am concerned. Henry is my friend’s friend and he had an accident that morning when he was supposed to meet you. I came to know late about it.”

“Molly. How is it possible? It can be a minor accident too and …”

“Don’t be stupid, Abi. He was injured and admitted to the hospital. He is still in a coma.”

Panic was filling her senses now. She was now looking towards her bedroom door in a state of fright, “M… Molly!”

“Honey. Don’t worry. Calm down. Ok? Just get out and run away. He is not Henry. He is someone else.” Molly was still speaking but Abigail was standing there with her body going numb.

The phone fell on the floor.

Henry never reached there. And she married a stranger who was living with her but also enjoying meals made by her.

That son of a b*tch!


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